Hyperdome used the Norbit in-app form feature to support local schools and increase engagement.
Hyperdome Shopping Centre collaborated with eight local schools to host a painted art trail in-centre. Painted Easter eggs were displayed throughout the centre during Easter, with information on which school designed the egg and a unique QR code that redirected customers to the voting page. When the QR code was scanned by customers, it pulled them into a private segment. This step meant customers needed to come into the centre and scan the QR code to participate and eliminated people entering from home without having seen the artwork. If the QR code was scanned with a phone’s camera (not in the app), it redirected users to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store automatically depending on the users’ device.
The winning school would receive $1000 with two runner-up prizes of $500 each. All customers who voted via the app went into the draw to receive a $500 Hyperdome Gift Card.
Not only did the competition receive an overwhelming number of votes, but the simple campaign generated an impressive number of new users. Furthermore, integrating the app with a collaboration with local schools was an innovative way to draw attention to Hyperdome’s sense of community.
Congratulations to Hyperdome on the creative and well-executed use of the Norbit form feature.
To see Hyperdomes campaign video, click here.