A shopping centre client launched with Norbit in December 2018. From a hugely successful launch campaign, the centre saw a large number of users engaging with its app. However, over two years, both active and new users began to increase only minimally.
In January 2021, the shopping centre and Norbit collaborated to implement a strong marketing strategy for the centre which included the Norbit Team providing professional consulting support. After 12 hours per month of Norbit’s Professional Support Service, the growth of total app users during this period was 1,201 customers, equating to 48.04% in database growth.
- 6 months before Support, total active users: 42.09% (1 Aug ‘20 – 31 Jan ‘21)
- 6 months with Norbit Support, total active users: 79.54% (1 Feb 21 to 31 Jul ‘21)
This comparison highlights a 37.45% increase in customer engagement on the platform.
The Professional Support Service that Norbit offers includes retailer engagement, artwork, and executing campaigns that support the overarching marketing strategy.
As a result of the successes achieved in the first 6 months of Professional Support, The shopping centre client increased its support hours with an additional 6 hours of support per month pre-committed for the entirety of the coming financial year. The retailer engagement carried out by Norbit has seen greater involvement from retailers as they are experiencing the value of the app.